Gengar, alongside Snorlax and Galarian Stunfisk, will also be in three-star raids. Unown U will continue to appear in one-stars during this time, but it will be joined by Galarian Meowth, Galarian Ponyta and Galarian Darumaka. This event is a great time to collect Galar variants!įrom Thursday, 26th August at 10am (local time) till Wednesday, 1st September at 10am (local time), Zamazenta will be available in five-star raids in its Hero of Many Battles form. In Mega Raids, you'll find Mega Beedrill. Meanwhile, in three-star raids, you'll find Galarian Weezing, Lapras and Machamp. You'll also be able to battle Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Farfetch'd, Unown U and Galarian Zigzagoon in one-star raids. The legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta in their Hero of Many Battles forms will also be making appearances in five-star raids! It's important to note, however, that the raid pool for this event will change on Thursday, 26th August at 10am (local time).įrom Friday, 20th August at 10am (local time) to Thursday, 26th August at 10am (local time), you'll be able to battle Zacian in its Hero of Many Battles form in five-star raids. Skwovet, Wooloo and Falinks are three of the Gen 8 you can now find in Pokémon Go! If you gather enough candy, you'll be able to evolve a Wooloo into a Dubwool and a Skwovet into a Greedent. The main draw of the Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield in Pokémon Go is the release of seven Gen 8 Pokémon.įalinks, Wooloo and Skwovet will all be available through a number of means - from simply appearing in the wild to completing field research tasks - so you can make a good start on your Galar Pokédex. Everything else you need to know about the Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield event in Pokémon Go Thank you to SilphScience from reddit for the help with this information. Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts reward - Galarian Farfetch'd encounter.Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon reward - 2 Pinap Berries.Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms reward - 5 PokéBalls.

Use 7 Berries to help catch Pokémon reward - Skwovet encounter.Earn 5 hearts with your buddyreward - Wooloo encounter.Here are the Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield field research tasks: These research tasks can only be collected during the event, but, if saved in your field research collection, can be completed once the event ends. You'll be able to collect a variety of exclusive field research tasks by spinning PokéStops or Gyms throughout the Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield event in Pokémon Go. Rewards: 25 PokéBalls, 5 Ultra Balls and 1 Rare Candy Field research for the Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield event in Pokémon Go Win a raid in under 60 seconds - Snorlax encounter.Catch 8 different species of Pokémon - Galarian Stunfisk.Earn 12 hearts with your buddy - Wooloo encounter.'Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield' Stage 5 of 5 Rewards: 888 XP, 10 Great Balls and 5 Ultra Balls Catch 8 different species of Pokémon - Galarian Farfetch'd encounter.Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon - Skwovet encounter.'Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield' Stage 4 of 5 Rewards: 888 XP, 15 PokéBalls and 5 Ultra Balls Defeat 4 Team Go Rocket Grunts - Butterfree encounter.Catch 5 Normal-type Pokémon - Galarian Meowth encounter.'Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield' Stage 3 of 5 Battle in the Go Battle League - Meowth encounter.Power up Pokémon 5 times - 10 Super Potions.'Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield' Stage 2 of 5 Rewards: 888 XP, 10 PokéBalls and 5 Ultra Balls Defeat 2 Team Go Rocket Grunts - Pikachu encounter.Send 5 Gifts to friends - 5 Great Balls.'Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield' Stage 1 of 5 Thank you to Amiibofan101 for the help with this information. This section does contain spoilers, so read at your own risk! Due to being a timed research quest, you must complete it before Tuesday, 31st August to collect every reward and, if you don't, then they will vanish forever. Here you'll find every quest step and reward for the Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield research quest in Pokémon Go. 'Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield' quest steps and rewards in Pokémon Go Watch on YouTube Battling and catching Gen 8 Legendary Zacian, released August 2021 in Pokémon Go.