However, you can soak your piece for as long as you feel is needed until the residue begins to loosen and can be easily rinsed off. Most recommend soaking for at least 30 to 60 minutes. Once you have the evenly-mixed solution ready for your materials, place the body of the nectar collector into the bag, making sure that the solution is able to make its way throughout the entirety of the piece. Once you have all of the individual pieces separated, mix the isopropyl alcohol and salt together and either put the solution into a bag or a container. When you first start the cleaning process, take these pieces apart, keep the body open, and get ready to begin applying the necessary solution mixes so that you can start scrubbing and rinsing when ready. Nectar collectors come in various sections, with the different pieces generally being the tip and the body. But what does the process of cleaning actually look like? Once you have everything out and set up, you will need to begin by: Open the Entire Kit So, we’ve established what materials you are going to need to start cleaning your nectar collector.

If possible, you may wish to purchase different sizes so that you can reach harder areas that may not be within the reach of regular size Q-tips. Q-tips, on the other hand, still provide that light touch that won’t damage your nectar collector but give you the opportunity to scrub harder when needed. Q-Tip : While pipe cleaners will give you the ability to scrub lightly, they make it hard to apply the force needed on tougher stains. This isn’t something that everyone has laying around, but like the rest of the products on this list, pipe cleaners are cheap and easy to get! Having pipe cleaners on hand can help you scrub lightly and reach more difficult areas throughout your nectar collector. Most of the materials that nectar collectors are made out of can be delicate, which means that scrubbing too hard can do damage to the surface. Pipe Cleaners : Thinking about scrubbing out your nectar collector with a brush? Think again. It all depends upon how dirty your device is and whether or not hot water and soap will be enough to clean out the inside or if it will only have a minimal impact.) Instead, you may be able to just use warm water and soap and achieve the same effect. (Of course, if your device is not that dirty, you don’t necessarily have to use isopropyl alcohol and salt. When combined with salt, these two items create a powerful cleaning formula that gets most of the stuck-on messes off with ease.

Isopropyl Alcohol : Another common cleaning product that you can find in your bathroom is isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol. So, what are you supposed to get? Get larger, coarser salt that will have a real impact on the surface of your dab straw in order to get more residue off. That said, it is important that you do not use regular salt that you would use to salt your food. Most people will have salt on hand and, if you don’t, salt is always affordable and easy to get. Salt : Salt is a great cleaning tool as it not only helps loosen some of the grime and residue on surfaces but serves to help you scrub them off without severely damaging the surface of your chosen device. What will you need to have around in order to make sure that you are always ready to clean your nectar collector when it needs it? What Supplies You Will Need That said, there are many steps and products that are needed across the board. Like it is with most other vape products, the process of cleaning a nectar collector will depend upon what type of nectar collector you have.
How to Clean a Silicone and Glass Nectar Collector Are you the proud owner of your own dab straw or are you looking into getting one soon? If so, here is a comprehensive guide on how you should clean these products so that every hit you take offers you only the smoothest, cleanest vapors. One product that will require you to better understand the device is the nectar collector. That said, the approach that you will take to cleaning different devices will vary depending upon what type of product it is, how it is built, and what types of solutions are safe to clean it.
Whether you have electronic or manual vaping devices, regular maintenance and cleaning is something that is required if you are looking to make sure that each vape session is the best it can be.