REACTOR_VERIFY: Required to enter during a sub-mission objective, REACTOR_VERIFY is accompanied by a code given to you by the mission objective on the center of your HUD (NOT ON THE TERMINAL).REACTOR_STARTUP: REACTOR_STARTUP is the command required to start the reactor.

This command only works with a terminal within the same zone of the object. PING: The “PING” command will tell you the specific area of the object and make a ping-like sound of the object within that area by typing something like “PING HSU_925”.By typing something like “QUERY HSU_925”, it will tell you it is in Zone_23 but not which area of Zone_23 as there can be multiple areas within that zone. QUERY: The “QUERY” command will tell you the general location of the object.The parameters from this command are not case-sensitive as you can enter an abbreviated version of the object id like “KEY_RED_987” to “KEY”. You can combine both to list specific objects within a specific area by typing “LIST AMMO ZONE_20”. Put your HTC Vive on and when you are ingame press the Menu button on the hand controllers to open the steam overlay. You can also specify the object of your search by typing “LIST AMMO”. You can specify the area of the list by typing “LIST ZONE_20”. LIST: The “LIST” command will search and list all objects by default or the specified objects within the specified area or the whole level by default.COMMANDS: “COMMANDS” gives you the available list of commands you can use to type in the terminal.
Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. X Phantom 5.58K subscribers So I decided to take source code of this menu and update it myself with visual studio this gave me excellent results basically revived a dead cheat The file as been. no way seriously are you serious gtfo are you kidding me. Terminals will help you plan out your mission as you’ll gain access to level-specific knowledge by typing in the proper commands and sometimes the proper parameters. Get more out of GTFO and enhance your gaming experience. Its a cheat sheet about behaviour of various reverse proxies and related attacks. Live roadmap for GTFO in 2022 and Rundown 6.